P O S T E R S  do more

In Hawaii, Blue Planet Foundation, and Hawaii Energy helped 80 groups/schools on the islands exchange some 85,000 bulbs, creating fundraising so that teams could travel and participate in regional off-island championships, and children could teach their parents and communities environmental stewardship —  all resulting in a lifetime energy savings of $13.6 million. Not bad… Graphic design direction emphasizes “student self-authorship of their own lives” — not design sophistication.


Posted at community focal points such as supermarkets and post offices


At bulb exchange sites, people get free energy efficient bulbs, but learn about the new power paradigm they are helping to start create. This diagram helps educate the parents, when they lay out their old, hungry wasteful bulbs for exchange.

Graphics explain environmental issues at hand, and publicize opportunities to get involved.

Graphics explain environmental issues at hand, and publicize opportunities to get involved. The lads learn as they also raise funds getting them to the championship on the neighboring isle.